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Prior to an initial assessment, veterinary consent must be obtained / a referral form completed and returned.


Cancellation terms


Cancellation of an appointment more than 24 hours in advance will not incur charges. Cancellation less than 24 hours of the scheduled appointment will incur a 50% charge of the charges agreed for the service. An appointment is only declared cancelled upon confirmation. If cancellation is requested less than 24 hours prior to the appointment, in the event of an emergency, cancellation charges may be waived, dependent on the severity of event. This is at the discretion of Laura Jane Vet Physio.


 Obligations to you


  1. The provision of agreed services

  2. Unless otherwise specified/agreed, deliver a report to you and your vet (after initial consult/when appropriate) within 7 days of the date in which the services were provided.

  3. Observe and abide by the RCVS and IRVAP codes of conduct.

  4. Ensure professional insurance and membership to the relevant professional body (IRVAP) is up to date and valid.

  5. Employ reasonable health and safety measures, at the treatment premises and with regards to the animal being treated.


Your obligations


  1. When and as required, allow access to the premises, the animal requiring services and any other facilities or equipment that may be reasonably required for the provision of the service.

  2. Ensure the working area is safe, and the animal is fully prepared (dry and clean).

  3. Take full responsibility in declaring and warning the physiotherapist against potential dangerous or harmful behaviours which may be elicited by the animal in question.

  4. Pay charges as outlined in the payment terms.




  1. Charges for the services will be specified within the correspondences/invoice prior to the consult.

  2. Once a consult has been confirmed and accepted, you agree to follow the terms as outlined in the payment terms.


Payment Terms


  1. Services must be paid in full either on the day of the consultation or prior, unless agreed otherwise.

  2. Payment charges are agreed and accepted by you, once an appointment has been scheduled.

  3. Payment is accepted by cash or bank transfer.


Website Terms and Conditions


Copyright : Graphics, photographs and text on this website is copyright Laura Jane Vet Physio and Website design and source code belongs to Modification, copying, distribution, storage or republication of content from the website, including photographs, is strictly prohibited without written permission from Laura Jane Vet Physio.


Disclaimer : The information on this website is for general reference only, despite Laura Jane Vet Physio’s efforts in making it up to date. Therefore we can make no warranties or responsibilities for the reliance on such website material (words, photographs and accuracy of the information) contained on this site, and will not accept responsibility for the inconvenience caused from relying on such content.


No Unlawful Use: By using this website you warrant to Laura Jane Vet Physio, that you will not use this website in any manner which could damage or impair the website, or business.

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